
Easy, healthy and delicious ~ Chia seed jam!

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Hello there, happy Canada day! I hope you’re all doing great!

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Lately, I’ve been trying to make a more conscious decision to eat healthier. We usually eat pretty healthily in this house – lots of veggies and fruit, not so many cookies and cakes. You know, the usual. Now though, I’m going for less to no refined sugar and low carb. That’s where this jam comes in – there’s very little sugar and it’s naturally sourced. You can eat it, guilt-free!

I made some chia seed jam that I think is pretty tasty and I’d like to share. It’s really easy and tastes delicious. If you haven’t heard of chia seeds – they’re the tiny seed of the Salvia hispanica plant. They are hard when you buy them but once mixed with liquid they turn gelatinous. They are loaded with antioxidants, almost all the carbs in them are fiber, they are high in protein and omega 3 fatty acids. They’re a pretty amazing little seed. I get the big bag at Costco and sprinkle them on almost anything.

Ingredients ~

  • 2.5 cups of frozen fruit. I used mixed berries for this one.
  • 4 tbsp water or juice
  • 1 tbsp vanilla
  • 5 tbsp chia seeds
  • 4 tbsp sweetener of choice – I used agave syrup, basically just sweeten to taste.

Put the frozen fruit in a pot with the water on medium-high heat. As the berries thaw, smash them with your spoon a bit.

Add the rest of the ingredients, stir and continue to smash as needed. Bring it to boiling and then turn off the heat. Transfer it to a container or jar and wait for it to cool. Stir to make sure it’s the consistency you like. Put it in the fridge – that’s all! It’s best to use it within 7 days.

So easy, right? I’m going to use it in the morning on my banana oatmeal muffins – which I’ll show you how to make another day!

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